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国际航空联合会航空运动总务委员会(FAI CASI)

2015-11-06 10:40 性质:翻译 作者:无人机网编译 来源:FAI CASI
国际航空联合会航空运动总务委员会(FAI CASI)的主要职能是确定工作范畴,建立评测标准,制定评测办法,确定国际航空联合会首选术语库,颁发国际航空联合会航空运动许可证,国际航空联合会资质效能管控,登载世界纪录以及承办运动盛事等。
国际航空联合会航空运动总务委员会(FAI CASI)_资讯_无人机网(www.youuav.com)
  国际航空联合会航空运动总务委员会(FAI CASI)的主要职能是确定工作范畴,建立评测标准,制定评测办法,确定国际航空联合会首选术语库,颁发国际航空联合会航空运动许可证,国际航空联合会资质效能管控,登载世界纪录以及承办运动盛事等。




About the FAI Air Sport General Commission (CASI)

The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, FAI - The World Air Sports Federation, was founded in 1905.
It is a non-governmental and non-profit making international organisation with the basic aim of furthering aeronautical and astronautical activities worldwide, ratifying world and continental records and coordinating the organisation of international competitions.
After a century of steady growth, FAI is now an organisation of more than 100 member countries, forming a strong network linking all those who participate in air sports worldwide.
What FAI does
FAI activities include the establishment of rules for the control and certification of world aeronautical and astronautical records. FAI establishes regulations for air sporting events which are organised by member countries throughout the world. FAI also promotes skill, proficiency and safety in aeronautics. FAI confers medals, diplomas and other awards to those who have contributed to the achievement of these aims as well as for work done in the restoration of old aircraft.
In achieving these goals, FAI brings together people who take part in air sports from all over the world. They share the delight of gliding, the excitement of parachuting and ballooning, the fun of flying microlights and exercise their skill in aerobatics.
Within the framework of FAI, each air sport has an International Commission which is responsible for making the rules for competitions and which generally oversees the activities of their particular air sport.
All FAI Contests, Championships and Record Setting activities are conducted under the direction of the FAI Air Sport Commissions.
Regulations, rules or recommendations which have been accepted by the Commissions during their annual meetings are followed up by the delegates themselves at the national level and with Member countries which need help developing their air sports.
To know more about the FAI, download a six-page long introduction to the FAI.




