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范本尧 中国工程院中国空间技术研究院 院士/院技术顾问
个人简介:1935年8月16日出生于广东省汕头市,男,汉族,原籍上海市航天器研制技术专家。中共党员。1957年毕业于上海交通大学船舶制造专业,后入清华大学工程力学研究班学习,1958年研究生毕曾任通信卫星和导航卫星总设计师、导航卫星领域首席专家。现任中国航天科技集团有限公司科技委顾问、中国空间技术研究院技术顾问,主持了4个重点型号的10多颗卫星的成功研制,在解决重大工程技术问题上发挥了重要指导和决策作用,并先后发表30余篇论文和5部编著。突破了卫星再入热防护技术,成功研制了我国第一一代返回式卫星再入防热结构;参与主持的我国第一代实用通信卫星 ,在总体、结构和抗空间电磁F扰设计等方面成绩突出;主持研制的我国第二代通信卫星达到国外同类卫星先进水平;主持研制我国第一个静 止轨道卫星公用平台;支持研制成功我国第一代导航定位卫星,首次实现了“双星定位”运行。对我国通信卫星、导航定位卫星工程技术以及创建静止轨道卫星公用平台,做出了系统的、创造性的重大贡献。1978年荣获全国科学技术大会科技成果奖; 1 999年和2003年两次作为第一完成人获国家科技进步一 等奖; 1995年获国家科技进步三等奖;五次获部级科学技术进步-等奖和二 等奖; 2004年获何梁何利科学与技术进步奖。1991年获部级有突出贡献专家称号; 1992年获“航天奖”,享受政府特殊津贴; 1997年获“中国航天基金奖”:2002年获“全国五一劳动奖章”。
Fan Benyao
Born on 16th August, 1935 in Shantou, Guangdong Province, male, Han nationality, domicile of origin in Shanghai.
Expert in spacecraft technology, CPC member. Graduated from the major of shipbuilding of Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1957, graduated from engineeringmechanics research class of Tsinghua University in 1958. He was the chief designer of communication and navigation satellites, chief expert in navigation satellite field. He is the consultant for the technology committee of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, technology consultant of China Space Technology Research Institute.
He led the successful development of over 10 satellites of the 4 key types, played important guiding and decisionmaking role in tackling major engineering technology issue.
He published over 30 papers and 5 works. He made breakthroughs satellite reentry thermal protection technology, successfully invented the 1st generation of reentry thermal protection structure for retrievable satellite; he participated in and led the research of the 1st generation of practical communication satellite, made remarkable progress in the general body, structure and anti-space electromagnetic interference design. The 2nd generation communication satellite, of which he played the leading role in its invention, has reached the level of its kind in foreign countries. He led the invention project of the 1st geostationary satellite public platform.
supported the invention of the 1st generation navigation positioning satellite in China, realizing the operation of "double satellite positioning". He has made systematic and major contribution to the communication satellite navigation positioning satellite technology and the establishment of geostationary satellite public platform.
He was granted the National Science and Technology Achievement Award in the National Science and Technology Conference in 1978, the 1st Prize of National Science and Technology Advancement as the 1st contributor in 1999 and 2003; 3rd Prize of National Science and Technology Advancement in 1995, the Ist Prize and 2nd Prize of Ministerial Science and Technology Advancement for 5 times He Liang & He Li Science and Technology Advancement Award in 2004; Ministerial Level Outstanding Expert in 1991, Aerospace Award in 1992 with government special allowances;China Aerospace Fund Award in 1997; National May 1 Labor Award in 2002 He became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Award in Engineering in 2005.
  • 曹亚兵上海复亚智能科技有限公司 CEO


  • Junyawat ChartAnuluk 泰国无人机协会 执行秘书长

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