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xue Xinyu, PhD, researcher, doctoral supervisor, Director of Crop Protection and Environment Engineering Technology Centre, Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture, Vice Chair of Precision Aerial Application Working Group of International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, Vice President of Plant Protection and Washing Branch of CAAMM, Deputy Secretary General of Agricultural Aviation Branch of China Agricultural Mechanization Association, Director of Professional Committee of Plant Protection Machinery of Jiangsu Agricultural Machinery Society, Deputy Secretary General of Plant Protection Machinery Branch of National Agricultural Machinery Standardization Technology Committee, national expert in agricultural mechanization and facility agriculture engineering technology. Her main research directions are plant protection mechanica engineering technology and aerial pesticide application technology.
个人简介:管理学博士,教授级高级工程师,博士生导师,美国麻省理工大学(MIT)高级访问学者,中国电机工程学会高级会员,国家"863 计划”项目带头人,山东省劳动模范。

Li Chaoying, PhD in Management, Professor of Engineering, doctoral supervisor, senior visiting scholar of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), senior member of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, leader of the National 863 Program, model worker in Shandong Province.
He has been mainly engaged in scientific research of smart grid operation and maintenance, marketing and management. He is author of many technical monographs such as Line Loss Management for Smart Distribution Network and Operation and Maintenance Management for Smart Distributior Network. He has won a number of provincial awards for scientific and technological progress and national patents for invention. He has also published more than 30 papers in domestic and international core journals such as IEEE, State Grid and Electronic Technology as well as at academic conferences.
Lance King航性及空城集成高级政策顾问个人原创文章
个人简介:LanceKing先生是诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司独立适航性办公室主任的高级政策顾问及遥控飞机系统(RPAS)适航性及集成工作领域的专家。King 先生这方面的能力可以帮助诺斯罗普公司根据和应对RPAS操作的国内及国际监管发展开展工作。

加入诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司之前,King 先生在美国国防部担任无人机系统(UAS)工作组空域-体化集成产品团队的主席。他负责监督将UAS集成入美国国家空域(NAS)系统的工作。该等集成工作包括地面和机载感知及规避程序、国防部内部的政策和程序问题以及与联邦航空管理局(FAA)和国家航空和航天局(NASA)之间的跨机构协议。此外,Lance还担任过美国空军与FAA之间UAS操作方面工作的联络员。

Mr. Lance King is the Senior Policy Advisor to Northrop Grumman Corporation's Director of the Office of Independent Airworthiness and expert in remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) airworthiness ano integration efforts. In this capacity, Mr. King is helping shape Northrop's efforts to influence and align with the development of national and international regulation for RPAS operations.
Prior to joining Northrop Grumman, Mr. King served as the Chair of the Airspace Integration Integrated Product Team for the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Task Force in the United States Department of Defense. He was responsible for oversight of efforts to integrate UAS into the United States National Airspace (NAS). Those integration efforts included ground based and airborne sense and avoid programs as well as policy and procedural issues within the Department of Defense and interagency agreements with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Additionally, Lance served as the US Air Force liaison to the FAA for UAS operations.

As Deputy General Manager and Chief Engineer of Beijing Viga UAV Technology Co., Ltd., Mr. Yang is in charge of the research and development (R&D) of unmanned aircraft products and business operations.
Mr. Yang graduated with a degree in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2006 and joined Beijing Viga UAV Technology Co., Ltd. in July, 2008. He started activities relating to unmanned aircrafts as early as he was in the university. At present, the unmanned aircraft team of Beijing Institute of Technology enjoys good reputation in several start-up companies.
He enjoys some influence in the unmanned aircraft industry and leads the Viga unmanned aircraft business that has high visibility in China.
菲利波·托马塞洛意大利EuroUSC公司 首席执行官个人原创文章
个人简介:在1984年之前,菲利波一直在意大利空军担任飞行测试工程师,与英国和德国同仁共同研究领卷风项目。随后,他在意大利民航空中交通管制中心负责研发和改造项目以及区域管制中心自动化工作。从2000年开始,他在欧洲航空安全组织担任北欧区经理。从2005年开始,他任职于欧盟委员会,负责欧洲航空安全局针对ATM/ANS和机场的事故调查、数据收集和延伸工作。从2007年到2015年1月,他在欧洲航空安全局担任规则制定官,负责制订针对ATM、机场、飞行操作、飞行人员执照和初始适航等方面的规则,包括相关监管影响的评估。从2008年开始,他是遥控飞机系统( RPAS )规则制定的中心人物。此外,他还担任多个国际民航组织的委员会、研讨小组或研究小组的会员或主席,其中包括无人机研究小组,负责制定相关国际民航组织使用手册。在JARUS,他担任WG 1 2(组织)的特派调查员。早期,他曾在帕斯诺昔大学担任国际航空安全监管教授,现在他在朱斯蒂诺福尔图纳托通信大学教授ATM课程。2015年1月离开欧洲航空安全局之后,他成为EUROUSC意大利分公司的技术总监,而现在他担任了CEO一职.同时他还支持爱沙尼亚加入JARUS ;在国际民航组织中, 他是太空“学习小组”的成员和RPAS研讨小组的观察员。

Filp was fligt test enginer in lalan Air Force until 1984. working on Tornado project, with Brish and Germans. Subsequenty he was responsible in ENAV (laian civil Air Trafic Control) for R&D and modernization projects, for automation of Area Control Centres. Manager for Northern Europe in EUROCONTROL since 2000. From 2005 worked at European Commission on accident investigation, data collection and extension of EASA remit to ATM/ANS and aerodromes. In EASA from 2007 to Jan 2015, as rule-making officer, developed rules on ATM, aerodromes, flight operations, flight crew licensing and initial airworthiness, including related regulatory impact assessments. Since 2008 he was focal point for rulemaking on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). Member or chair of several ICAO Committees, Panels or Study Groups, including the UAS SG which developed the ICAO "Manual" on the subject. In JARUS, rapporteur of WG/2 (organisations). Earlier Professor on international aviation safety regulation at University "Parthenope, now he teaches ATM at Giustino Fortunato Telematic University. Having left EASA in January 2015, became Technical Director of theItalian branch of EUROUSC where now he is CEO. He also supports the Estonian participation to JARUS and, in ICAO, is member of the Space Learning Group" and observer in the RPAS Panel.

CHEN Ming holds his Ph.D in Electronic and Information Engineering from China University of Technology. He has been working in R&D of wireless communication area over 15 years, as a proficient in standards, agreements and system implementation of 3G and 4G wireless communication.
He has won an honorary title of DMTS from Bell Laboratories, and has rich experience in R&D of commercial telecommunications product, having been leading R&D teams to develop several successful products. Joined DJl in 2015, Mr. Chen is in charge of DJI's policies, regulations and standards, and is a leader in R&D of several projects in DJI.
个人简介:现任中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副所长(正局级)。1984 年北京大学地球物理系毕业,1988年中科院地理所硕士毕业,1992年英国牛津大学地理系博士毕业。1988- 1997年先后在中科院地理研究所、美国航空航天局戈达德空间研究所从事气候变化模拟和大气遥感应用领域研究工作,1997年被评为中科院地理所研究员。1997-2003年先后任贵州省科技厅处长、副厅长,国家知识产权局局长助理(挂职)。2003-2016年,历任国家中长期科技发展规划战略研究组副组长、科学技术部高新技术及产业化司副司长、基础研究司副司长、国家遥感中心主任。社会兼职中国空间科学学会副理事长。2016年2月起任现职。

Liao Xiaohan is Deputy Director of institulte of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS. After graduating from Department of Geophysics, Peking University as an undergrduate in 1984, he received a master degree in 1988 from the Insitute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS. and obtained his Ph. Dfrom Department of Geography, Oxford University in 1992 From 1988 to 1997, he worked on researches on climatic change simulation and atmospheric remote sensing pplications successively in the Institute of Geographic Sciences and NaturalResources Research, CAS and NASA-GISS. In 1997, he was appointed as Research Fellow of the institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS. From 1997 to 2003, heserved as Division Chief and Deputy Director-genera of Guizhou Provincial Department of Science and Technology and Assistant to Director-general ofthe State Intellectual Property Office (temporary) successively. From 2003 to 2016, he was Deputy Leader of the National Middle-and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development Planning and Strategy Research Team, Deputy Director ofDepartment of High and New Technology Development and Industrialization and Department of Basic Research of the Ministry of Science and Technology. and Director of National Remote Sensing Centerof China (NRSCC). Meanwhile, he has been Vice President of Chinese Society of Space Research since February, 2016.
魏嘉业欧洲航空安全局( EASA )中国总代表个人原创文章
个人简介:魏嘉业博士自2016年2月起担任欧洲航空安全局EASA (北京)总代表,负责支持EASA与中国航空领域利益相关方在多个技术领域的监管交流。

在入职EASA之前,魏嘉业博士曾任空客中国的首席幕僚及高级业务开发总监。他也同时担任中国欧盟商会( EUCCC )航空航天工作组主席,负责协助创立了EASA与中国民航局( CAAC )的欧盟-中国航空合作项目。魏嘉业博士获得剑桥大学工程学博士学位,可讲中文及其他几种欧洲国家语言。
Javier Vicedo is Representative in Beijing for the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) since February of 2016. From this position he supports regulatory exchanges between EASA and Chinese aviation stakeholders across multiple domains of competence.
Throughout his 20 years career in the aviation industry Javier has worked in Europe, North America and Asia. He has held numerous positions spanning from research & technology to business development across multiple sectors including satellite equipment, military systems and commercial aircraft.

Li Bo, Director of Aircraft Airworthiness Division, Department of Aircraft Airworthiness Certification,Civil Aviation Administration of China. He was once a member of ICAO's Aircraft Airworthiness Team under Pilotless Aircraft Group, and once participated in national reform of low-altitude airspace and promotion of aviation development, as well as unmanned aircraft-related policy making and implementation.
比尔.霍勒德国标准学会航空航天委员会(DIN NNL)主席个人原创文章

Born in 1950. Licensed PPL-A Pilot, experienced drone operator. He used to be the CEO of Brankamp Process Quality Monitoring Systems in Italy, England and France.Now he is the chairman of the board of DIN NL,Founder and President of Industrio GmbH, Germany,TA Chairman of ASD-STAN, Brussels,Board Member of OWWF- -East-West-Industry Forum, Bavaria.
个人简介:香港大学MBA。2012年7月加入SAE International 中国办公室,现在主要职责之一是推动SAE航空标准在中国的普及和组织技术交流活动;作为SAE航空标准在中国的联络人,本人协助引导中国民用航空专业人士加入并参与SAE航空标准制定的活动当中。

MBA of Hongkong UniversitySince 2012, I joined in SAE International China office. One of my current responsibilities is to promote SAE aerospace standards in China and organize the technology exchange activities.As a liaison of SAE Aerospace standard in China, I assist to guide the China's civil aviation professionals to join and to participate in the development activities of SAE aerospace standards.
个人简介:1963年9月生,教授/博士,博士生导师,2009年“长江学者成就奖"获得者,获得政府特殊津贴。现任西北工业大学无人机所总工程师,主要从事无人机总体设计、飞行控制与制导系统设计等研究工作。获国家和部级科学技术奖9项,其中国家科技进步一等奖1项,获技术发明专利20余项,发表论著150多篇。先后入选国家级”新世纪百千万人才工程”、教育部”新世纪优秀人才支持计划”, 获得"陕西省有突出贡献专家”和"科学中国人(2009)年度人物”等荣誉称号。
Born in September, 1963, Mr. Zhu is a professor/doctor, doctoral supervisor, and the winner of the "Changjiang Scholar Award 2009" who also enjoys government special allowance. He is now Chief Engineer of the Unmanned Aircraft Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University who is mainly dedicated to overall design of unmanned aircrafts, flight control, guiding system design and other esearches. He has won 9 national- and ministerial-level science and technology awards including a National Science and Technology Progress Award (First). Moreover, he has obtained more than 20 patents for technological invention and published over 150 original articles. Additionally, he has been selected as a national candidate for "the New Century National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project" and "the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET)" of the Ministry of Education, and also he has won many honorary titles, such as "Experts with Outstanding Contributions in Shaanxi Province","Scientific Chinese of the Year 2009".
刘斐先生在国际标准与合格评定、国际经济、贸易与外交等领域有多年的经历。2006年加入ASTM前,曾服务于美国石油学会( API)、美国机械工程师学会( ASME )和加拿大标准协会( CSA )等标准机构,曾服务于中国驻埃塞俄比亚使馆和美国驻华使馆等外交机构,也曾在国际经济贸易与工程领域工作多年。刘斐先生多年来致力于标准化研究与教育、标准文化传播以及企业标准化基础战略咨询。曾发表全球标准体系、中美标准化体系与战略比较、标准化教育良好实践等相关文章。刘斐先生曾就读于上海对外经贸大学和北京大学,拥有经济学学士学位和社会学法学硕士学位。他被授予“2013 中国十佳标准人物(国际标准推动者)”称号。
Mr. LIU Fe is a professional and practitioner of international standardization activities, and a thinker and advisor on corporate strategy basing on global standards. He is the Chief Representative of ASTM International China Office. He is the Co-chair of the Standards Forum of American Chamber of Commerce in China. He is the Guest Professor of China Jiliang University and the member of the U.S.-based Society for Standards Professionals.
Mr. LIU Fei has many years' experience in fields of standards and conformity assessment, international economy and trade, and diplomatic relations. Prior to joining ASTM International in 2006.
Mr. Liu served the American Petroleum Institute (API), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and CSA (Canadian Standards Association, America); worked with the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia and the U.S. Embassy in China; and many years' experience in international economic, trade and engineering cooperation.
Mr. Liu has been dedicated to standardization research and education, standards culture dissemination, and corporate standards strategy consulting service. He wrote some articles on the diversity and options of international standardization system, comparison on standardization betweer the U.S. and China, standardization education practices, etc..
个人简介: 科特尼A罗宾逊在联邦航空管理局开始了自己的职业生涯,2010年8月加入航空工业协会民用航空部,担任民用航空基础设施处处长,负责航空工业协会在民用航空事宜与政策方面的活动,尤其是空中交通管理、无人机系统、射频频谱管理、NextGen 的整体规划与实施等方面的工作。
罗宾逊积极从事无人机系统技术与国家空管系统的整合工作,他是航空工业协会无人机系统委员会的执行董事,与无人机系统制造商和美国政府官员协力解决阻碍无人机系统--这一具有全球竞争 力的细分市场的政策与技术问题。
罗宾逊的工作需要处理国际事务,作为全球航空业的代表,他可以与国际民航组织(ICAO)、国际电信同盟(ITU)、国际标准化组织(ISO )等国际组织建立工作关系。目前,他担任国际标准化组织无人机系统小组委员会秘书和国际民航组织远程遥控飞机系统专家组顾问。罗宾逊毕业于密歇根大学,获得了经济学学士学位和国际政策硕士学位,以及项目管理学院的项目管理专业人员认证。
Cortney A. Robinson joined Aerospace Industries Association's (AIA) Civil Aviation Division as the Director of Civil Aviation Infrastructure in August 2010 after having started his career at the Federa Aviation Administration. He is responsible for AlA's activities on civil aviation issues and policy, specifically the areas of air traffic management, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), radiofrequency spectrum management, and overall NextGen planning and implementation.
Robinson is active in promoting integration of UAS technology into the National Airspace System. As executive director of AIA's UAS Committee, he works with UAS manufacturers and U.S. Government officials to address policy and technical concerns inhibiting the growth of this globally competitive market segment.
在标准化和适航性领域,开展民机适用SAE标准引进,组织研究首批国内民机标准规范,解决国内民机标准与国际接轨问题;开展CCAR25部、34部、36部和机载设备技术标准规定( TSO )等条款研究,解决运输类飞机、发动机、机载设备适航性基础技术问题,支撑研制与适航取证。
Mr. Xu Ming, born in 1960, graduated from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, is the Chief Engineer and research fellow of China Aero-Polytechnology Establishment (CAPE). In recent years, Mr. Xu focuses on research areas of reliability, environmental engineering and testing standardization and airworthiness. Mr. Xu holds roles including the convenor of Civil Aircraft "12th Five-year Planning" Project Experts Committee of MIIT, the member of MIIT-CAAC Airworthiness Joint Committee, the consulting expert of National Aerospace Science Foundation, the deputy director of reliability engineering branch of the 8th China Aviation Society Council, and the convenor of Technology Infrastructure Group of AVIC Pre-Research Experts Committee.
In the field of standardization and airworthiness, Mr. Xu Ming introduces applicable SAE standards and organizes the research on the first batch of national civil aircraft standards to address the issues between domestic civil aircraft standards and international standards. He conducts the research on CCAR 25, CCAR 34 and CCAR 36, as well as airborne equipment Technical Standards Orders (TSO) and other terms of regulations to solve basic airworthiness technical issues of transports, engines and airborne equipment and support the R&D and airworthiness certification of several projects.
肖荣伟上海到摄商贸有限公司 总经理个人原创文章
曹亚兵上海复亚智能科技有限公司 CEO个人原创文章
个人简介: 上海复旦大学硕士,连续创业者,拥有丰富的To-B领域企业服务经验,擅长战略规划、产品研发、营销管理。2018年被评为上海市杰出创业青年。2008年创办上海复亚通信科技有限公司,被杨浦区认定为行业“纳税百强”企业称号,2013年获上海市杨浦区人才发展专项资金支持,2014年被评为杨浦科技小巨人,2015年被认定为上海市高新技术企业,先后申请获得30余项发明及实用新型专利、10余项软件著作权。2016年初在复亚通信内部开始工业无人机全自主巡飞项目研发,2018年初3月成立上海复亚智能,8月获千万级Pre-A轮融资,12月获得上海最具投资潜力50佳创业企业称号
李 浩上海扩博智能技术有限公司 新能源解决方案总监个人原创文章
个人简介:曾就职于国有重型工业企业及初创无人机公司,现任职于上海扩博智能技术有限公司,负责公司新能源行业解决方案工作,从产品、技术、业务层面为新能源行业客户提供有价值的解决方案,通过”AI”技术助力新能源行业实现数字化、智能化的转型。扩博智能公司成立于2016年11月,总部位于中国上海,在北京和大连设有分支机构,在新加坡设有分公司,美国西雅图设有研发中心。 扩博智能聚焦计算机视觉和机器学习技术,专注于为行业企业用户提供端到端一体化智能服务,能大力提升传统行业运营效率,加快数字化变革,所服务的行业包括并不仅限于零售,风电和运营商等。
Jinger ZengAuterion 亚太地区总代表个人原创文章
个人简介:Auterion的亚太地区负责人,Auterion是开源无人机里的领袖,总部位于瑞士“无人机硅谷”苏黎世,供应基于开源无人机操作系统PX4的软件和解决方案。 PX4本身于2008年在苏黎世联邦理工学院开始作为大学竞赛项目开始,在过去的十年中,已被全球的学术界和工业界采用,并通过其开放式协作模式推动了新一波无人机生态的发展。 Jinger作为技术传播者和生态系统经理的角色,主导与来自世界各地的无人机组件和硬件制造商,软件开发商和开源组织的合作。
Yong Chong Soon马来西亚人工智能和机器人协会 协会副秘书长,无人机委员会主席个人原创文章
个人简介:无人操作系统委员会主席,同时也是马来西亚人工智能和机器人协会(MyAI.R)的联合创始人兼副总裁 。 该协会的成立是为了向政府提供反馈和建议的相关行业的代言人。 他的公司之一Bionurture私人有限公司被政府机构Invest Selangor任命,为无人机相关事宜提供咨询。 迄今为止,MyAI.R与深圳UAVIA和亚太辅助机器人协会(APARA)签署了谅解备忘录.
他目前在马来西亚领导一家IT初创公司。 20多年的企业工作经历为他带来了宝贵的经验和丰富的国际网络 。 Yong Chong Soon先生曾是一名工程师,但在离开新加坡工程师的工作时,他决定离开工程专业,开始专攻国际商务的工商管理课程.
在担任工程师两年后,Chong Soon于1989年加入马来西亚路透社担任高管,在此期间他迅速提升了职业发展道路,在新加坡和中国工作了一段时间后,他回到马来西亚担任马来西亚与文莱路透社的负责人,而这 是自公司在60年代开始在马来西亚开展业务以来首位担任此职位的马来西亚人.
Chong Soon先生的名字至今仍出现在工业委员会以及吉隆坡和雪兰莪(马来西亚马来亚地区州名) 中国商会的公告栏上。 他目前还是伦敦CASS商学院的马来西亚校友大使.
Chong Soon先生拥有伦敦大学,华威大学工程电子学士学位和英国CASS商学院(前身为城市大学商学院)工商管理硕士学位。 他同时还参加了美国密歇根大学的战略管理项目.
Park Jangwhan全球无人机学院、韩国无人机机构协会 主席个人原创文章
个人简介:2014年10月至今:全球无人机学院院长。全国无人机许可证评审委员会委员。在数所大学教授无人机课程 .
自2009年1月至2014年1月:于 LG CNS & HSTNI公司分部担任VTOL无人机开发项目负责人.
自2006年9月至2012年9月: UASCENTER有限公司CEO兼总裁 与奥地利的Schiebel合作Camcopter S-100 VTOL UAS项目.
自2002年7月至2006年8月:Moosung Aviation Co., Ltd首席技术官兼总裁。日本雅马哈公司的rmax农用喷雾无人直升机,William先生是韩国第一位该架无人直升机的飞行员和教员。.
Junyawat ChartAnuluk 泰国无人机协会 执行秘书长个人原创文章
个人简介:  作为一名拥有着10年经验的无人机专家,以及安全总监,数字取证总监,网络安全讲师,Kenny先生经历丰富 Kenny先生在各种角色和行业中都拥有着自己的独特经历,从Web开发人员,移动应用程序开发人员,支持顾问,IT安全项目经理,IT安全业务开发,IT安全总监和IT总监,不仅习惯不同的身份,同时这些经历也帮助着Kenny先生积攒更多的行业以及项目经验。 除此之外Kenny先生还获得了许多IT领域的相关证书,同时在许多公共媒体如电视节目,报纸多次获得奖项,在相关领域有较高的声誉。 Kenny先生最近的一个关于IT安全项目涉及启动和管理信息和电信部(MICT) 。 Kenny先生向来自26个不同政府异组织的与会者提供了IT知识。
Martin Robinson英国AOPA/EU UAS CEO个人原创文章
个人简介:Martin Robinson先生, 现任英国AOPA首席执行官, 国际飞机所有者和飞行员协会IAOPA前高级副总裁,负责欧洲地区的AOPA协会的相关事宜。
Fillipo TomaselloJARUS国际无人机规则制定联合体 代表个人原创文章
个人简介:  原意大利空军的飞行测试工程师,后于1984年离开原单位 。随后,Tomasello先生负责ENAV(意大利民用航空交通管制)的研发和现代化项目,并用于区域控制中心的自动化研究。 Tomasello先生主持并参加了国际民航组织航空移动通信(AMCP)和自动相关监视(ADSP)小组的相关工作。 Filipo先生自2000年以来在EUROCONTROL担任协调北欧ATM开发计划的经理。从2005年开始在欧洲委员会从事对事故调查的中期指令评估的相关工作,并进行数据收集和EASA汇款扩展到ATM / ANS和机场的相关工作,包括相关影响的评估。在2007年至2015年1月的EASA的工作经历中,作为规则制定官员,制定了关于ATM,机场,飞行运行,飞行机组许可和初始适航性的规则,包括相关监管影响的评估。自2008年以来,他一直是远程驾驶飞机系统(RPAS)规则制定的核心人物。他是EASA向欧洲航天局(ESA)提供监管合规性以及“Iris”项目的安全性(通过欧洲大陆的卫星航空移动通信)等相关咨询服务的带头人。 Filipo先生在国际民航组织下属的若干委员会,专家组或研究组担任成员或主席,其中包括制定了国际民航组织“手册”的UAS SG。 JARUS的WG / 2(组织)报告员。 Filipo先生早期担任的“Parthenope大学国际航空安全监管教授;现在他在http://www.unifortunato.eu宣传ATM和航空安全,同时他也是北京北航大学的外国专家。. 在2015年1月离开EASA后,Filipo先生成为EuroUSC Italia的首席执行官,现在他在其中担任高级合伙人。他还支持卡塔尔的Deep Blue有限公司(EuroUSC Italia的大股东)参与JARUS,并且在国际民航组织,他是空间“学习小组”的成员,并代表UVSI成为RPAS专家组的观察员。 Filipo先生还代表意大利参加ISO的TC / 20中SC / 16(UAS)小组委员会并且代表他的大学参加Eurocae WG 105。
个人简介:  博士,教授,博士生导师,民航局首批民航科技创新拔尖人才,江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,现任南京航空航天大学民航学院院长助理、国家空管飞行流量管理技术重点实验室副主任。从事空中交通流理论与监控方法、空域(机场)规划与评估、空管协同化与智能化、通航运行及无人机管控、城市空中交通等方面的科研工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、省部级科研项目6项及空管行业科研课题30余项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目2项及各类科研项目20余项。获省部级科技进步奖5项,出版学术专著3部,申请国家发明专利12项,获软件著作权5项,发表科研论文40余篇。